
๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€ You can ask Elizabeth's father is his IQ is at zero.

I think my father is a psycho, other than those. His IQ might be really at zero. So I told them in the family App this morning, all those whom are IQ zero, you are...

1. 4 limb washing human.

2. Robot in the movie called the I-Robot.

3. Meaning you can just learn that 4 limbs wash for the rest of your life.

4. No Pang's dad feeling like a psycho.

5. Sorry, Nick won't be join us, he and you all IQ =zero can stay outside the court room be calling in upon.

6. Bullet point right now on the small note.

7. You later process them.

8. Stop keep pushing it your family, or that friend's entire family dies, its the next all that father side best friend all dead, except you.

9. He is a psycho.

10. No, no nick. You all just gather outside, Taiwan is Taiwan. (Birds says no nick email)

11. Just IQ already zero, do exactly I told you to do. Washing 4 limbs.

12. The day on that dressing room, is not now, keep washing, rinsing, washing rinsing...

13. I told you, you already IQ= Zero, do what I tell you to do.

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