
MB needs to speech

Today is Sunday ...


跟什麼人就全部一起講講講,小鳥在正個動物界就是最愛張開嘴巴說的 ! 





我覺得 ...

我在看很奇怪的東西 ! 我在想我講英文,我講中文,然侯離開這所有話題今天,因為我不知道這小鳥說了這些,但是你們是哪年哪月在忙這件事情,等等等

我乾脆去躺著 ! 

你們知道什麼是一年? 這小鳥是不是在騙我 ... 我怎麼可能在中國的正前方講一年?! 我的心臟都會跳出來~跟所以人講,我躺著好了!




美國這種醫生叫做 chiropractor 必須是真的醫生












寺廟? 中國小鬼小和尚 ?


什麼是壽喜燒? 日本對吧 ?












我左眼癢,洗眼睛~是怎麼一傳十,十傳百的? 因為原本寺廟在寺廟裏面他們經過 (她們包括),但是如果他們去學校,這不只一百 ~可以變成一整個中國 ! 

可能是名人的態度養出來,惡劣,小女孩覺得那些素素那種,可能是在講林心如什麼 ...

小男孩是說他們是別人不要的東西,他們自己都知道 !



我的窗戶外面有人摔鍋子~你們好像只是瞪著他們,那不是廚房 ! 但是如果在廚房的正前方,是他趙又廷的模樣~看不到你們小孩。

跟睡美人有關嗎 ? 還是畢業? 這種東西我們一直在重複 ! 都不是一開始,是結尾 ...我為什麼會這麼說?

好像有軍人 ! 長官 ~~喔! 



『埃本以前長的很帥,他現在不行,好像是那個女的錯,你們也是來 ....』

『那你們來的目的是要講什麼? 尊上不在這裡,其實所有人都知道她一直都不再,她成仙了!』

『網路上被通知,我們住在寺廟裏面 ! 』

『喔~那尊上人現在在哪裡? 我們其實沒有真的見過那個女的尊上』

『她是一個怎麼樣的人! 』


『她小鳥很多,我們也覺得我們小鳥很多 ! 每天早晨! 』

你們小鳥也在罷工的意思 ... 

他們是亞洲人,你們如果一直對著外國人看 ...不是他們是黑頭髮的,現代頭髮男孩子是短的 ! 你們可能是對著尊上東西看,不是真的去每一天看著花千骨,所以假設寺廟是守戒律,是你們對著書本看,然後網路上寫的知識,或是那種公式圖表 ! 

尊上你們有些貼牆壁可以看到,有些是新的 ~除了英文 ! 

但是尊上是金頭髮的 ~你們對著佛像看,學校看,上課 ! 你真的見到誰每一天 ...我說大人 ! 小孩的臉你們認得,我說大人的臉 ! 

西城男孩當初是歐洲男孩樂團 ...不是美國的! 歐洲人,有些也是比較胖的 ~~

有一個英文字叫做 Caucasian = 白種人 

我看不到 ... 

就是說當初那種劇本是要怪罪於人的關係? 煮菜 ! 小鳥說的

How to blame me....如何怪罪給女孩子那種喔~~

How to blame on the girls.

是這個小孩盯著還是瞪著很不善解人意 ...小和尚 ! 小孩的高度 ~~

He has a dad...Kung Fu Panda! 功夫熊貓


And American Trump too on the American side 在美國是講以前前總統 Trump 在哪?

他們是叫這些人做了什麼事情,哪年哪月的時候? 我講台北 101 ABC Cooking Studio 講了很久這件事情,這小鳥在外面一直在講素素 ! 戒酒戒酒戒酒 ~弄鳥要用大的那種手套,抓傷 ! 

This 這個

科學試驗? 我的 Youtube 有這個但是我看到的小鬼在瞪著上面不知道是幹嘛 了~ 哪年哪月的事情?

不是,有煮菜,在廚房 ! 這不知道是大家做再一起的桌子,小孩 ! 是寺廟那種,不是學校 ! 

看起來...不知道幾年級,除了廚房之外還有,我只是不知道為什麼小孩瞪著上面 ~抬頭往上看 ! 

尖叫~~~ 他不能講英文?


台灣不是有這種新型寺廟,北邊 ! 清乾淨的那種 ! 我不知道在哪裡 ! 應該不是學校 ~

喔~ 是不是不再是古裝的那種模樣 ?

為什麼尚恩他頭上是一桶水上面小孩到下去 ~~ 他陷在泥巴走出來


太誇張,這小鳥說什麼? 一年 ! 我在想說你們聽力假設....

一年 ! 現在幾號? 11 月

是在講我存在的時間 ... 好像也不是這樣還是跟台灣 Youtuber 也順便因為這不是很重要的東西,你們測試兩三年,如果回中國就順便自己的那個省份? 是這樣講? 喔~ 一年英文聽力是講我當年高二回來以為台灣高三然後...自己想辦法大學,原文書沒有關係~我高中是二類,美國要三類,還是我們講的是你們大學畢業已經了,是專業那種?


那你們去買你們的 IKea, 腦部不用想 ! 

應該不是在講一年跟美國 Black Ops or any classify military 有關吧 ?


1) 你是我的榮耀

You're my Glory

2) 賀先生念念不忘

3) 或者這趙又廷,三生三世十里桃花,跟他趙又廷演有關嗎 ? 我不認識呀 ! 他是加拿大的 ABC 中文是人家念給他聽重複吧  ~ 他只會英文的 !

  • 英文聽力不用
  • 英文寫作
  • 日常英語

要講的一個正確理性的道理,是日常對話的意思,是小鬼小和尚 ? 做尊上嗎 ?

日常英語對話~ 小鳥連你們都會英文 ! 還有歐洲文他們說。(台灣很哈)

喔~ 我懂了 ! 是賀先生念念不忘 ! 對,保持一點亞洲風度的那種感覺是說亞洲女孩子,我看到是男孩子才去搬 Ikea, 你們要怎麼把 Ikea 搬到家裡?

  1. 有點煮飯
  2. 有點賢慧
  3. 中文要真的會
  4. 英文對話
  5. 是對我、跟對他們小孩! 就是來台灣這種英文一些他們開始
  6. 哪天進入中國,就是一樣的 copy 叫做下降新的領土
  7. 一次跟下一次是一模一樣的
  8. 真爽快,就是有點台灣Youtube 緣,但是在中國外緣所以這是跟印度還是 Tim Cook 有關因為可能是霍建華還是不是霍建華? 他哥! 那是他真的哥哥嗎 ? 他的臉 ....
  9. 那這個位置跟醫生有關嗎 ? 有學歷 (那是什麼意思?)
  10. 有包括男的,是說你們抵達台灣變成一對那種?


17 Again, 誰叫做 Mark, 就是你們兩個都拿下的意思,但是是在台灣配對的上進 ! 要怎麼進入台灣? 台胞證?

因為這電影 『十七歲在一次?』
其實是... 13 變成 30 還是花千骨 40 變成 14,是 Michael Vartan PETA 那個人演的 Alias, 吃素的代言人

但是講迪士尼高中音樂劇 2008 2009 2010...這個男的就是叫做 『十七歲在一次?』裡面叫做 Mark

『十七歲在一次』同一個 37 叫做 Matthrew Perry 是在講你們中國的意思? 這小鳥什麼都知道 ! 

中國誰有說,好像是至少拿下一個趙又廷,不是在台灣配對,是跟趙又廷結婚? 喔! 高圓圓的意思 ! 小鬼小和尚是說: (看一下小鳥)


是我說因為西城男孩的位置是 (兩個主唱)

尚恩、 Mark 


是說強迫趙又(小鳥)廷出家管他們的 ! 什麼兩個主唱換來換去~我寫在 Mark 後面 !

左邊小鳥 (從右邊換到左邊)

Kian ?! Or Nicky...oh ~ Ireland !!!!! (尖叫 !)



『誰』在法語叫做 qui ( = kwi )


下雪很冷室內? 脫鞋子的哪種寺廟? 新型的還是被我丟出去毀掉的? 所有人站在外面跟軍隊求救的那種,他們發送物資? 有段時間了,是哪個寺廟,中國很龐大的 ~

2021 一整年對他們轟炸的 ! 我記得講測試高科技 ~ 之後 2022 有法案在 Star War 3 是不是就是講美國
elephant 計畫的那個法案,那這些小孩長大兩年半 ~

那霍建華 ? 跟動物還是跟小孩站在趙又廷旁邊,貼近還是他哥哥? 



有一個開場,還是相信這個? 小鬼的時候 ...

在麻辣女王一 (上面是二)

Do I need to faint it?

我需要暈倒嗎 ? 我沒有要用他們的醫科了 ~也不用 NASA 了 ! 

Red fox, Paddington 2? 講中文 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/twi8R-FMmXI

跟他們做麵包,所以站在那邊的? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8x7K5pSP__8

台北 ABC 101 Cooking studio 在台北 101 (尖叫 )

What? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/omPLlqWSsRw

法語叫做 Quoi (跨)


Westlife - Beautiful Tonight

I quit, or my IPad image upload when MB finishes his speech format, I guess....

Ep 11 - 賀先生念念不忘 

How to pack Shane's stationary bag, or Kian and Nicky, one of those.....my weight.

The Day You Found Out, here.

Right, the younger generation supposed to be...guided.

The fashion Asian sense here.

You are my Glory




My eyes. I can see. Shut up. Her eyes, sorry.




Babaji: Go


15 secs commercial then second ads 10 seconds


Prince Harry didn't have a college degree.

So its everyone dies out !

oh ~~~His wiki photo looks like Sponge Bob that blue head man's nose.

So his dad wants him to make it through that comic book, at least that ranking !!! I c. Lieutenant, so those is the classmate, he cannot go and ruin them their life with Harry Potter? 

It is funny, here


The weight scale.

Mine 69.30 Kg

I put the chocolate in my mouth, just now.


Red Panda



Space Program, where are you?

I am talking to Shane, my lunch time. Their concert night time....or he went to sleep.

uh....I think that might be a joke. Tesla Biography, 50,000 dollars.

On Harry.

He doesn't have anyone anymore in life. What I told them the jobs MD 6+2 are real. Its a real job, must deliver. There is Hailey's Dad, Adam's Dad, their missionary, ever since 2014. He knows how that looks ....oh ! Shane they were behind. I never grow up they exist, I can tell you that. England is the furthest away corner in my memory and I gone to where the furthest of my home...furthest. Just imagine that, that sound like a reality at all.

Harry Potter I remember that garbage in 2014, and now Hailey 26, and there is a brother. Everyone in my classmate has a brother.

Its your getting married things, or your dad calling for a doctor from? America, these MD 6+2 meeting the MD 4+2 on that basic sense, he seeking any medical care attention? 




Babaji: Go

我高中原本只是加入球隊,但是亞洲你們是大學才有社團吧 ?

我們這邊是中學考試到高中,高中到大學的 !  她們講說誰誰誰能變成領導的位置 ...你們現在是身高高一點抵達美國,然後呢? 是 TOEFL 所以瑩玉其實是台中來的,不是台北人,你們現在孤苦伶仃一個人,我回台灣就什麼成語忘了 ...才想到 ! (不是六親不認,有別的成語)

你們在國外拓展 ~這很多事情,要自己一個人想辦法 ! 你們在乎回中國是設定自己得回中國吧 ? 我當初沒有太多思考,才會傷到很嚴重 ! 突然下降的意思 ~~我以前台灣有沒有同學,意思就真的跟那種美國 Space Program 我假裝就撐到我回來,然後就放下,其實我只是逃跑 ...聽說飢餓遊戲也這樣講~打不過就跑呀 !  我很多自知之明! 

講領導的位置,男孩子女孩子 ...這順便一下自己的口才拿麥克風也是其中之一~假設你們很需要中國同學會或是台灣同學會,你大學分校那種 ~在美國,那你要搶的到那個位置 ! 當初我室友是台灣同學會的誰的女朋友,對瑩玉我好像提,... ... 你們就真的把台灣那一套去美國變成同一體,我告訴妳們,我大學部我參加社團,我研究所我要找工作呀 !!

實習,找工作是每一天都在找,每一天都在看,每一天都要去把東西看清楚 ! 

你們家庭優厚的意思 !

我沒耶 ...而且假設你們以為軍方的資源叫做你自願,美國跟台灣哪種三軍差不多吧 ~自己想辦法 ! 資源絕對不是西城男孩,自己想辦法 ~~~真的 ! 才會是軍方,看那些 classify 長的很像呀 ! Kerry 她們的 Project Camelot.

說話要出事情原由,講清楚,很清楚,組織能力 ! 可能最好一個人要學會做完所有事情,一個人! 

Hailey's dad that youtube foot doctor all very disgusting like BTX


Hailey's dad, Harry, Wing, Lee, Eben and Dennis

Re-plot Sailor Moon. A several round.

Eben = Legally Blonde, that very disgusting thing when you type stuffs. 

Youtube, when you research below. They change all that.

Its very disgusting, someone is the criminal, or coming out of the jail plot, you technically don't assuming everyone on TV is from the jail (Dennis press the buzz) or all of them. Its very very scary.

Keegan will say its everyone can come to help something at least saying something. Its everyone has something to hide.

All of them, or they don't want to lose that position.

You mean Karen? No, its Ayo. We know that. She thinks a lot of things are real, right....so she probably did that herself on the Linkedin. That will truely be very very very scary isn't it?

Keegan press it.

Right hand not fold behind, your chair, near your elbow that is the position of the behind buzz.

Step back.

Again. Sorry, Wing's both hands drop something front row seat.

Like Loving the Silent Tear, that Blue dress facing to me, like Lauren too. That is to harm.

🧀🧀 You can ask Elizabeth's father is his IQ is at zero.

I think my father is a psycho, other than those. His IQ might be really at zero. So I told them in the family App this morning, all those whom are IQ zero, you are...

1. 4 limb washing human.

2. Robot in the movie called the I-Robot.

3. Meaning you can just learn that 4 limbs wash for the rest of your life.

4. No Pang's dad feeling like a psycho.

5. Sorry, Nick won't be join us, he and you all IQ =zero can stay outside the court room be calling in upon.

6. Bullet point right now on the small note.

7. You later process them.

8. Stop keep pushing it your family, or that friend's entire family dies, its the next all that father side best friend all dead, except you.

9. He is a psycho.

10. No, no nick. You all just gather outside, Taiwan is Taiwan. (Birds says no nick email)

11. Just IQ already zero, do exactly I told you to do. Washing 4 limbs.

12. The day on that dressing room, is not now, keep washing, rinsing, washing rinsing...

13. I told you, you already IQ= Zero, do what I tell you to do.

Why don't you mediocre on the jobs to go and relax. Me and classify be happy whatever the days without any of you on the jobs...

America got cut in half, with endless feedback current.

Its not we gonna have the ceremonial, too big of the face shine, I am telling you. Its on that right side they suppose to figure it out one Sariputra and one....American President.

Why they looking like that.


There is a Tiger:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StiepyMELSA

Maybe the youth are testing our System, I thought it started in year 2000 or before

The youth in the Space Program on the ship too or satellite those.

The girl look like Seth, one of those space groups those have the friends or operation protocol. This is your first time testing all that out? ! oh ~from the TV?

ET they have so many more thousand times on the computers.

Maybe Zawanna they do the system.

You say, "Kings of Kings that one world doesn't have System, we need the help. Because its happening right now."

You use that lotus sutra greeting, people coming in. Those arrays.

"We are not equipped, but we understand what that is. Most of it. "

"Equip means the entire protocol A to Zillions." 

"No, they do on purpose, the more it sound like, I think they went to the abyss of the hell right on the monitor, did you guys do anything of that, they say, it original purpose everyone becoming a profession in a good intent, but they destine to steal things all on purpose, we cannot deal with all that."

"And no, none of them personality is anything we need. No, not those. They are the babbling mouth, similar to Prince Harry. The similar latitude, you make a cross. They gonna do that to the President we know that. Its when they feel like, no matter what. " 

Their answer I think would be...you jail 

"Prince Harry, Wing and Lee, and anyone arrives there for the every time, you don't need an answer to jail every single one last them."


You can file something or ask someone for me.

"Anna says, the real route from Tamang coming it down Atlanta, its the opposite than Taipei Metro line, its brown line up down circle around, not that way would be counter-clockwise that Tamang did. Flower Thousand Bone has 2 direction. I don't really know why."

You ask Zawanna, but....right Zawanna.

In America, some people stay at their jobs all having their own home.

Those kinds, and the pace of the working hours are very long ....not their working days long. 

Meaning they are many times are the snail pace too.

I feeling the same, those are like Hiep's life, or that Nick's life. They fight over in the center for that very stupid loving hut project, its just one project. And its a useless one.

But its everyone retired. 

You don't have a home, some people have the apartment building. And if they live in America, they for sure its a lot more snail pace. Because....its you wish things be rent out, not that if the pay checks are steady or the background check are fine. 

Here Asia they yesterday I say, they....drop some can of the oil on the top of the people's head, well, the glasses or the container sheet, one of those, and someone blood shed. Its in our President's name.

Grass on the top.

Funeral be ceremonial is below.


你說 UB 的天空 Day light in America ...

是說校園太大要走路的意思?  The school campus are too big, require to walk?

Prince Harry

No, you need your father to sign your permission slip. Correct. No, you believe or talk about something just random type on any blogger website once you get into your mood, and click sent. 

No, I would get mad by mechanical I will almost tell you, and the birds will always cut in. I stop every single time, but I found out. Later I tell. Like my phone too. It was not explained clear, that is why. They don't understand it. 

Per degree do things, I say that many times. 

A lot of you are the students formats

And no, the court room doesn't owe you any of that. If you already light off forever. But you need to keep your white underwear on, or the white sock like that Victoria Secret Black Tie, you think you did everything right. There is nothing right. You get up hold someone and die together, that is Dean's the only job, very clear.

In any kinds of the classify world, Wing too, all white under pants. In every job, it will all seem like that. You didn't describe thing, you meant you sway and everyone seeing you doing that on purpose. You meant you believe everyone keeps a job for 40 longs year with your all loan, and you find your suicide route.

Everyone knows that too.

Remember, the prayers has to be 5 times a day or promise every single day to every God.

You believe all that.


If someone sees you no more traveling to the church or the donation box by your own will, you know what that means to you, right? They are just the satellite occasionally drop in, so nice to see you here. 

(Dean press the buzz on Wing or me again)

no others, (but all press on Dean to Ukraine war)

He must be shaking anything all around his life and that TV, everything but lies.

Wing press before

He now press again.

The white underwear never enough to say white bra, all around anyway, all your description are wrong. 

Wing is the vocal extremists, similar to Prince Harry, when you all getting the mood !! How nice. The articulation makes you believe you know what you state the facts again.

Say it

"How much can I do anyway..."

"Its everyone on the jobs."

"Under the same flag."

"You keep hitting on me, the very same right everyone has."

"Louder or else its every foot pays....dearly."

Wing press, Dean press.

Wing right hand press back back back, there is a buzz. 

Something about China ...好像中國需要你們出去哪裡!因為你們人多 Because you are too many people, go out to...

是你們的領導能力+ 194 國家 + NASA + 回來的 NASA + 台灣 + 日本韓國TV 的劇本

好像跟真愛還是這 BTS... 等等等! 小鳥說的,應該是人多所以  點點點

我不太清楚點點點是什麼意思 !  不是我講台灣大寫的~

絕對不是台灣特產,文成公主還是歷史? 不清楚可能順便你們中國的材料系+矽谷你們進不去,來台灣的新竹科學園區,跟什麼人很多有關 !

跟我有關嗎 ? 喔~ 194 國家的 Pixie + 194 military + Science Expo Museum. 

這種人生你們要確定,被丟到上面不是公主王子,他們可能講如果你們智商抵達可以在旁邊,那些叫做永遠不可能,但是如果可能的下一秒,是我這種人生,叫做黑暗帝國的跳上跳下~上帝旨意跟小鳥旨意不是叫做霍建華的『恭維』,我只要一想到我就很火大 ! 

意思你們要從台灣進入美國 classify ?! Space Program, 美國的? 

美國的 Space Program 或是美國的 Black Ops 應該在美國, NASA 在德州 !

(在講台灣還是從講美國回來台灣? )


你們去美國的第一件事情就是買 Ikea.....the first thing you arrive in America is to buy Ikea.

我自願不代表我願意 ~~~Black Ops

I volunteer not that I willing ~~ Black Ops

( My space towards left into the darkness, again, its the cargo boxes all around or just the storage boxes. )

(我的空間左邊黑漆的世界,是那種載物或是儲存的箱子 )

美國是講英文,你們只跟什麼中國同學會 (摔) ,台灣同學會 (滾)

America speaking English, you only go to this Chinese association (hit the wall) and Taiwan association (roll over)

對,你們其實可以滾了,偵探什麼叫他們通通離開,街上 ! 我不是,我卡在上面的,達文西密碼最後一面是上去 !!! 而且一直上去~會不會碰到黑洞的那種出去 !

Right, you all can get out, this Conan private detective say everyone goes on the street. No I am not. I stuck on the top. Da Vinci Code, the very end, going all the way out, will that touch the black holes, all the way Top.

2 Prince

You tell your dad first.

Then tell Shane I guess... you are home bound so long, maybe you already sleeping through so much for your hair. I cannot see clear. That Harry looks like on the job crispy air like Wing.

A job?

A group page, or what not thing. I think a group page is fine.

You yourself know that is a real profile coming in. I don't. 

1. Solar System, that is more than enough.

2. The surface land going up the atmosphere, such as the global warming.

No, if you want to talk about anything else, except that page. Its limited response.

The birds here they say they also want to, landing on my shoulder.

To enter the court in Taiwan here.

That scenario I wrote you this morning.

I say fine. 

(They are the self consciousness just like you proud, happy crowd, no complication thoughts)

They will tell you life be positive. They don't watch TV, or the music or the film too. 

So Loki's Jack Frost (1998) wish....someone gives this frame.

1. Space doesn't have the air.

2. Its all vaccum.

3. All vaccum, every planet has an atmosphere meaning the gaserous air that trap by the gravity. Neptune is the ice below, but the air is hot temperature.

4. The core no. Its Lava.

5. But its wrap inside, so that is a core?

6. The liquid ocean may not be water. That is the worsen news. Some high temperature or the pressure near the core gravity, similar to our ocean deep pressure is the water, right...if without the water? Its 5 KM down? Its the gravtiy near to the core.

7. Meaning, its so high dense pressure and something, that turns the gas into the ocean, and that ocean is a piece of the ice somewhere. When Neptune rotates.

8. Above the ocean is the air, no one can breath, not oxygen. Its fuming hot.

9. No, NASA knows that. All that. Every planet in the solar system, they got nothing else to do. Its just 9 planets. It was. Pluto is a rock. 

No atmosphere if you just stare at it. 

10. ....so they change the definition?

11. ... ...They probably found out something during these 10 years time, right.


12. No they won't change back. No.

13 ... Its legal so they claim. It has to legal.

14. ... Correct, it can be they combine something, someone went to law, the entire world change that one definition for Pluto. 

15. Its the same you landing on the moon, except soooooooooo cold. 

16. Sorry, I look at the wrong planet, I thought it was a rock. It has the atmosphere. 

It will be saying the gaserous planet giant. Sorry. 

Sorry, I cannot describe that. 

The last time I read they say...I almost thought they meant pluto is a rock.


Its a dwarf right...

Can a planet be dwarf?

Are there other dwarf planets like Pluto?

The IAU currently recognizes five dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. Ceres lies in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, while the rest are in the Kuiper Belt.

while the rest are in the Kuiper Belt.

I think they need to check the gravity from the Sun. Really.



I mean it.

The birds say.


oh no, I am not that serious, but they all are. I pull that Wing's image in his very real life, that envrionment, oh no, its crispy air.

He does a real job, might be Dean too. Tamang is not. He is compete and compared, but he already got nailed. Not that crispy, you think you are right all the time.

oh no, I scream !!!!!

Nick is old, he should be dead, but he retired. If me and him kill each other, its 2 people dead. Inside that one space without anyone, any argument. I stop talking long time ago.

I think Loki is a happy those not exactly Mathrew McCongeny, but they need their dad looking like, its important Jack Frost. (1998), whatever that wish to be.

But saying....he meant their son to becoming like this crispy air like Wing, I don't think he is like that. No. I cannot see it, since Middleton only cooks, meaning they are all indoor, relax? Slow, sluggish, dying felt? or this is not one of those compile portfolio resume in CV calls?

You mean phone card slut in those plastic wide spread open credit card holder. SMCH has. She describes them in madness. Something about she went to Florida in America. That is what people should do. 

Hank does 50 credit cards. 

Tina went so ....clear about that, they stay together for that.


Otter - Ma Ko


Something going on inside your frame camera. Are you thirsty, those needle kids to your mouth, you drink? Left side of your mouth. Tell me, or tell him?

When people really get on a job, like Wing those age....they meant it they switch their mind set from the facebook to Linkedin.

Meaning they get really really compete and compared, VERY. 

They either think they did a great perfect job, or they really are just like one of them. They are only,...boys. They make them believe the score, or they know they got those score true. That is fine. But....if I say to NASA, no I thought it was funny you trying to tell me my calculation date to a contract was, I coming near last year = I being funny, true. 

Sailor Moon, I used to love that growing up.

This one story, all right, pretending, and in case how to pretend.....so I did.

But now I think different. No, you had some other things going on with the Blackness darkness them. oh no ...well you mean the Linkedin is the a serious issue thing on the social media from your organization !!!

(I scream)

I live at home, this are nothing but the home owner manual, WE will never be anything TV. I will tell them, how many handicap gang up me, any buzz. Home owner manual meaning just like our neighbor, growing old and die.

no...not anything they Kerry says. I whistle and bell runs off. I have the family members at home. And those Prince, or one of them 2, has the geography or the astronomy. His dad will not make me, but if he asked me, I can just pass it to him, he stays there next 10 years. They have a mode how to rise high to the daily military or any crowd ...the military girls included. 

I ... may not doing any of that. The way how I do the explaination all meant it was for the education because I lecture these 194. oh no...I stop. They probably if they admin any page, they won't be education them like per image say from NASA, just because its funny.

oh no...me and Prince William is different but I will be glad he does his job too.

no, I exit it. 

These 194, I won't care what they think, no more education.

Linkedin, i might just leave that all that there. I take that off from my browswer.

Whatever last few posts. I am not really using the social media. 

Something might be very very bad in the Space. NASA those testing has a reason, but I guess I wasn't told, so leave it right there. The daily life its where people they run their LinkedIn for the geography or the astronomy, 

Because they say if Ronan's movie coming it down here, or I going up there. Something going on, so they say its....whatever that is in the space. It might be worse than that whole thing hopeful to people. Someone gone to this Bible doing per line, and if they found out per account is very similar, they think that is what exactly meant say.

And I think that is exactly what it meant. You all can die on your country land. I think about it....

Jack Frost (1998), that ending.

I do the education so I sound like that. THAT is they hide something, no education I ever supporting that. 

(Trump buzz)

My eyes cannot open, the birds keep doing this small small lower voice talking talking talking outside.

The small voice?

No, I think its Laura and Adam. Its I heard yesterday...something might be a lot of the girls they pray at something to get that thing, so Adam is the one, her parents say that. Because right now that is the congregation of the Buddhism. She knows well what that means. What it means to exchange the wish and well thought with the things she needs. Not the Bible doctrine, God's will to be done. It will always be her will. So she knows what it means.

I would say Tim Cook's sister outside. This is the first stop, when the ET looked ....because sometimes those military buzz behind, without the God they think they heard, they went to find some data. Laura and me were often eat together that time. 

The ET will tell you when they come back that data,....its coincident, so they put that data down, to record. Because that is the first stop, but they understand why the military freak out. He went near to me, to Rebecca and Eddie bear. 

(So the last post, they told me, that is = the buzz, so shaking tearful Rebecca buzz)

He went ....to Germany. There is another Anna. I guess Smallville freak the military out too.

Right, Grey they are normal staff. They are old, so they are mature in the human form too.  No, they know if I know that.....oh no.  ET they are old, and they are stable, so they are not the shaking left or right, or quarrel, or running thin, or worry, or the military job is to scream, a whole group went to the air (roof) of that thing.

It might be a lot more Grey did. Because Tim Cook is not .....all that you say one best friend means? That is a whole lot difference you meant anything else combine. No. But on the Earth sphere, you all wishing people well, why not. 

THAT is when I freak out !!!! 

I don't need you all Christian those military to wish me well. I need to know the sociology department anything those files.

I don't need to be wish well ANYTHING, I want to hear the truth. No, I leave. That time still that same decision. I will never get in that pharmacy school. Also I like that flash that page. 

If Jame's stealing, NO! I hate that feeling more and more.

What is the second case of the Japanese Capsule?

a. It is a homeless.

b. has the still existing parents, like 30 years old, they are 50 years old.

c. The parents the mother still young, the father afraid, and he gets older and older look.

d. He scribble on the piece of the paper inside the capsult.

e. He is a normal IQ.

f. But this type of the person.....they choose that life.

g. Let's say, the military restrain you. You have no choice, you gone to those capsult, you know its temporary.

h. Those capsult is side by each other, so he came by to say hi.

You feel friendly. But let's say, "Do you have a pen? or a tissue? I saw someone walking there or pass by, be careful your night time. "

You will scream never end.  You don't have the friends already, but you feel friendly and he knows that. 

I never stop screaming, I already told you. 

Meghan hanging like her, left side cheek, to right side cheek (red neck)

I am sure soon enough all this rocks so heavy on the neck, the water you cannot breath....just like that Tamang.

The female judge like my mother those tear, or debbit, or like Hailey's dad, meaning vent to know, or the kids don't let you know something, they wish to find out.

"What else."

I didn't swap anything in the last 30 years, don't you suppose to know. I don't actually which story told to me might 1000x worse, I already warning you, but there is a certain thing, correct. I tell you all of it, almost. That is as much as I can know.

Like the last website, right....I can only describe that. I think...Ella Enchanted its a couple story.

But I don't know too many people included inside just Kentucky south near the border, only that crowd, which couple. I am guessing, no, I wasn't told. I guess by the analyze part if its the ending of Da Vinci Code.

I guessing why we need to find that one couple?! No, I wasn't told. I seen so many face, but all these girls never told me whom they be with, or the guys. Never.

I say in the public 20 years pass, you cannot do any of that. I was meant real. I cannot do anything. Not really. But I imagine if were, because....it might be they wish to solve it. I cannot. Its not like that. it will start with.... "A couple", but too wide spread. People might be dead, or something combine. It might be that and that.

Right. Because Laura I heard if that time someone told her that, she wishes to keep that part. I won't, but she will or at least why don't you tell her. 

I think my side, that is all right, but my heart beat skipping one beat. That you make me unstable, because it might be everyone behind shaking, you are just the mortal. 

No, I gone to City of Hope, and then UB. The fate law, no. I told that in the lawsuit earlier. I claim exactly I claim. I don't need that. Not that, not the fate law. No. 

Its....Tamang will never be the monk, even if Nick get on. And he did. Or, something keep getting swap, and I have no idea whom. Correct, Adam might. 

I prefer that is the correct reason, right. But my heart skip, you have any other reason? The capsult human, NO! Both side, NO!.

But if you listing that 2 things for me, that is the reality. I will tell you, that is a horror. I cannot describe to you at all, my money. It is like Fanny's husband looks like the American!

That is a horror. 

That is a horror. 

That is a horror. 

That is a horror. 

That is a horror. 

I never stop screaming, never stop. No, you need the surveillance, right.

Correct, I only care about that, NOT 1), and never 2) the capsule human. I know what that is. Trumpet's son-in-law. Those. Adam Levine those video. 

I never stop screaming. I happy for them, but if in 2014, I realize what Levine was saying....that is 1. and 2...going on. if I know its all the capsule human, I never stop screaming. 

The homeless is one. 

No, there is another kind. Its a wealth son can do that to their parents too in Japan. They have a very very very high ego, everyone must beg them, that case type. 

It may not be, so saying the homeless, that is all right. Still, I already told you, anything money with the red, starting is every horror. If you just put a room someone screaming never end. 

I am that type.

Not on the money, and NEVER on a kid's gonna grow up life without the education. I never stop screaming. I told you like I claim, that is a criminal act, similar to the movies. Someone kills someone. Its a criminal act, you produce a kid, to lie to the money, lie to ROC. 

I growing up in what way, I know how it feels. You don't put another life in the life in itself.  No one has the judgement inside the brain, other than me. I know that, I admit that. So NO~ never will have any kid. 

Because most kid guessing, or that Ryoya, looks like my brother, forgotton one thing, that one camera all that money gone. 

You put all that on the TV, its a theft from someone.

Nicky, this is like 5:30 in the morning....the crane or that skycrapper up which floors, the wind is cold.

No, you are not Inelia benz, I tell Mark myself. You laying flat on the mountain Red River Manga.

I asked you, if you were GED, one day yes.

One day not.

When the boys doesn't have the IQ, it will seem to the other parts or any part of the, rather, odd to say, someone whom didn't evolution this far, to say thus far, whether that English were the pen ni  you yourself I say what not things? 

Is that your speech in a week? Because none of the people understand the English, I tell you, and the microphone so echo, technically I listen to the music, my head space gone to a different world, I won't even know what you guys do on that stage, not really. Not very interested.

But I could see from my seat if that is what you wish to know.

The foreign language to me in the music, were in the 90s. It never changes. I born here, I school the madarin. Iron Man 3 that Mandarin. No one here they understand the English I am telling you too many times. Its not a little bit. Its forever cannot process the sounding, or the pronouciation. Anything else?

(Someone around there, cannot see a guy or a girl press the buzz)

A liberal human. In Europe all that troubles you, your very life inside all around. Its not a job. Its you. Its a girl. Conan, lower your head, has the eyes glasses, painting all black on you, its the black hair. tie behind, thin. Your left side cheek sew to right side cheek. I cannot describe you the reality? 

The human never requires to learn, remember....that.

The first one is Joann looking, this is the second girl. Secretary? 

Remember the phone line got cut, that city won't have the exit. At all. 

No one but me the only exist, everyone seeing you all photo line up. The whole city. No exit. Remember me....

End game, that women hanging in the air to Trump looking fat giant guy.

Craig Ballantyne....

Well, Make she smile and laugh, Big lala means...

jumping in the life, happy happy. Make a film.

Air it.

This is the whole cosmo mocking time, entire ireland get up and clap.

Next will kneel without the legs per shine bone I meant.

(Congregation, laugh a min. Its funny....these citizen has a buzz) 

I used to have a buzz, but it stopped, all in some room. No more sound. It was everyday pushing it. You know what I mean it. 

Remember I want the horror of each person's life, not just every word.....you testing my patient....on these legal measurement you all doing it on purpose never stop hurting me.

Per gun hand, including Johnny my father.

Remember the best friend, all foamily dead, then the best friend same age like him with him all dead.

That is the best scenario, tested...if everyone will be dead.


When the people get old, and wishing someone to do things for them, because otherwise its a begging.....this American medical board done on purpose, its every word I don't say....

It will be nothing but bloody torment, you keep fun fun fun having 3 meals. 


In this world, Fatima cannot stop touching that buzz....I am not in the movie, forever....and you will kill your every near by.

Because that court room one day, you will admit, no one coming near to you.

When you finish them, your real love will truly thriller means to you. Already, none of the family will cherish you. It doesn't exist because....starting from the beginning, you panic to touch that buzz. None of that keep existing.....how the eternal curses will descent upon all the humanity, forever and ever.

You and me, the same, holding up 2 arm by someone moving out of the court. Fainted head.

Tamang is hearing something just fallen on the ground curls, Chess VS.

Nick's cousin and mother dead....something related.

But nick and my mother are both IQ = zero. Meaning....in that entire energy are very low. The people whom don't really have any education is the same. Its low. Low energy when they are not on the jobs, they doze off, and everyday that job is to follow the order. As well.

Things around them its what they see....looking at those photo. How you can use them, its also their free will, the freedom rythm.

Hailey's dad.

In the democracy world

How make that IQ sound like none zero, because you loving it to open your mouth to discuss. Its a point of where you can argue, and be argumentative, just like Keegan, listen to himself....life without the mouth its how the heart taken without that justice. 

Laughing for a min !!!

Its funny...

But then, fatty, sit down to panting that sweat, well here is the drink, under the fluoescence light, "oh ~ I was a little tire."

(Laughing and clap a min)

Fatty makes an act of the physical energy low Bull~~~

(Everyone claps, welcome the court room door where the bench to far away the Judge.)

What you really wish to do were to impress the Judge when you get in, you found out. Not before. You want to impress that judge a man or a women. And then if you can impress them, meaning that lawful research behind is correct, and you go back to your Thanksgiving or Christmas becoming your family union vola.

You loving it

(Everyone clap)

Tell me how much you will pay dearly for one correct talk? Its a personal space glory of that Judge and the family all around. Its you loving it as long as speaking the English to make a correct statement and if everything correct going through the court room door, you feel so confident, you loving it everyday that American, or the American lawful act.

Starting at your every mouth.

You go there for the reason to argue a case, you got nervous because you will tell me a lot of time, you also guessing at it. You get to your adrenal blood up to your head space, because you didn't plan well if anyone in the court room, or your family seeing you that day, everyone immediate response, were your IQ at that noon day.

Your IQ can only response at that level. Like an immediately seeing them, or hearing something and you response. You didn't carry a wordy why you don't want to kill your mother like Wing did, something going on that movie ends something he says either he understood, or already told that part.

Now he pushes the buzz.

Knowing what that means?

That light off is Ola, Jonathon and Wing.

You imagine if you will have 10-15 years. Its everyone goes, the jurisdiction court, or the System all go to hell be dead or nothing but harsh punishment day 1. ( The birds laugh. )

See now, outskirt, many push the buzz, its the American mediocre regular military, no IQ but eye glasses like everyone should, Craig Ballantyne. 

Maybe Ronan moves to Malaysia south or someone. I could hear the buzz without an image. Waiting Karen those to reach Melinda? or Wei?

Westlife company old lady buzz, some medium fat or thin combine.

Remember, all these buzz with the photo hang just like that Nicky on the city wall head hangs, will be your every name be records, seen the face, fat and jailing clothing of the black and white strip.

The day that court room does not deliver that form, and all will be publish online, you realize....all together how to buddy together. I meant it....it will have nothing but blood river fill up the sky, like you all mean it well.

You are unstable and shaking inside your body bone flesh......all around you worthy deem thee?  Melinda ! ?

Repeat with your voice out loud.

"Upon today my entering upon the court room, it was a lot wetter than my native country America, here in Taiwan, the jurisdiction court its kind of...all Asian looking like you, I wonder if I have the American jurisdiction court Judge like Anna told Mark the other day. I am from .......certain country other than America." 

"I have a certain business in that land, not here. That is why I wish to call upon that idea, for the economic reason, and some of this inquire in English parts."

"I wonder if you process both the passport issue and my business I told the earlier those Chinese Taiwan people that court, I coming here to see you today were for the business idea. My entry date are here, I wrote them down. I think I process here also. Do you know?" 

"I have seen some of the idea how I argue a case, but my background didn't have that law background but I done some research to arrive here. If you prefer me to return to American to re-process these, can you tell me today. I was worried if I might be walking where wrong at the department. I know here is the democracy, but where is the American embassy. I mean the lawful I going through the American land that way better or here."

"Correct, if its the same justice, I have things here, so I come here. Its a lot easier, not flying. No."

"I have some of the family I have you will be the first seeing them faces, because its related to what I believe in that claim, I wasn't coming here by myself. They still living and breathing, is that part of idea I can process to? I wish you to know, I bring them today. They are outside. No they exist, they waiting outside. "

"I prepare all their passport, and dates written down because there is just 3 of us moving back and forth with a clear traveling time, or the air tickets roughly these date, we have discuss, but they will tell you, they are not sure if you think its relevant, but we are all present here today. "

"The economic claims I will submit later, I just need to send them home, or right now it is okay, that included right here."

"They prepare some written things, but they are institutionalize the day they born, meaning the handicap. I told them to write something, not exactly I read it. They coming today I am not sure if you let them submit together. And they can speak to you with me first, or later with they themselves separately, or together. No English comprehensive all together. Its a fate."

"They think they have the IQ." 

"So I finish that part, and now I will explain why or how I arrive here....it started about how many years ago, there is a business partner and all that establishment being form the alliance, or the business company comes to a little bit over expanding."

(Eben buzz)

"I want to bring that argument to some floor on some of this economically stabilzation of the society through some of us, whom are medium saying showing up on the newspaper or nothing at all. Meaning the mediocre parts, because we didn't care the flashy parts. We didn't get all the things when we can, so we have some of the claim. We ask the lawyer or we ask some friends around. I can tell you, that is what I did. I don't really know some other people went out and done what. You can say, in that same level, everyone is the enemy of everyone else. Because we all separate the bank account. 

I have research ....

It came upon me....when I read these court room cases or saying.....dealing with the Party A or Party B....

Well we are going through the Seasonal greeting soon-to-be.....

I bring all these papers in with me. I have all these claim paper I read. I think its fine, if you told me you need a copy. Here is my side of the copy, and here I make one for the court room. "

"The argument might take place about xxx years, in the 19xx."

"There is something I recall so I write them down, because its the movie inspires me to do. It was someone lives very old, and keep living, and memory or remember that. So I use some of that reason, and here I wish to tell you, it may not be ridiculously seen, but a lot of the blend in factors I see that in relation to everyone else life too. But this is strange. Because you saying processing in the law almost its not the inspiration. Its you claim to file, or claim to accuse.

And that story....to claim and to file to accuse, that person would be ....that and that. Because it my personal life." 


而你們手中每一個 buzz




多摸一點,跟Meghan 一樣~舌頭都是長在你的人的意志裡面幽幽幽~




⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 關於那個人 Ancient Chasez 她們很愛的一個人⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


現體是政客的現在時間,他們壓力很龐大或是文化比較做大一點事情,還有他臉真的長那樣子,他不停的金錢💰上升,我選擇大概 1/3 或是多幾個 increment 但是我常常什麼事情都不做的那個,是金髮,跟我現在長的差不多的未來或是過去。因為我是新進移民者,我通常 ….不太壓力我自己。

他一直跟他朋友他們 gays 比都是那種文化,他金錢非常非常,但是他有一天就死了,好像是休克,我發現他死的!




我覺得會,如果講一個安全的情況!所以我可以就那種基本情況+這其他加起來先抵達,以後再說,我常常可能躺著睡覺,什麼都不想,我抵達再想辦法!我人格長那樣,他們不是!可能男孩子那種型態都是那樣,給別人很多壓力,就是人生計畫是定點的!可是我那時候可能也是金髮男的有點像 Zawanna, 現在,我是女的,而且我沒有那種那個金髮的某些質,因為有些東西其實壓力很龐大!我也不太清楚是不是我!但有這一個現代爬社會體系的故事!

金錢跟責任成正比!他們很多都是那樣包括小孩~你們現在沒健康了,死了就好!沒有人上進,太累了!有點像柯南那個 Tamang 自以為朋友的故事,死在炸彈!

我去休息 I go to rest

Babaji: Go

你們不會講中文也不會講英文 (不需要幻想),怎麼講東西的意思! 我敘述今天下午的極刑

你們重翻~ 我講了什麼! 中文就可以了~我寫的是中文。



她如果要幻想她去她家附近哪邊那種 Zen 裡面直接在她面前幻想就好了~她其實不太喜歡去批評,就是男孩子去講道理,你去 Zen 那種新式地板木作那種,她自己那樣覺得的~很矮 ! 

商人,很多職業呀 ~教授、商人,他們吃東西,講星際人員,No

星際人員都是要有身材的,應該是講軍事的 ! 身高呀 ~

我如果抵達,我碰碰牆壁看這樣東西會不會垮了~ 我常常有那種海市蜃樓在我眼前 ...但是我人身浮報長那樣,所以可能會有人,不管自動自發還是剛好存在,我從來沒有太想念那種什麼世界的情況,更不講有金錢自己想辦法下一步 ! 我只有那種人格,我講了,星際或是宇宙在那種思維的高等,是非常龐大的型態,當然有商業~其他的...我們算低俗的世界,我當作應該是不可能的,就沒有想過那種可能跟不需要幻想那種!

吃是一種文化,對 ! 血糖低,我常常咬東西!

但是講說有種非常噁心的友誼,男孩子也會 ! 大家一起拚吃~

在閃電霹靂車的女孩子,那個瘦瘦的是卡爾的妻子,而肥的那個 (不是瘦的)好像是一個印度人肥肥的 ! 有錢,對 ! 

這種東西可能是一種非常噁心的東西 ! 咬東西跟吃基本血糖上升,我也會 ! 我常常喝東西,跟咬東西!  大概高文明之後,因為錢很多很多很多,這原本講說幾百個星球聚集,然侯說其實吃是一種文化,商業利益很大 ! 對

入進隨俗 ! 

但是這電視是講了一個關於傳統,這地球曾經有一種傳統,這世代之後可有可無因為基督教會是以後,心心念念的美少女戰士,人們相信的!  所以就算在某種友誼競爭,你們相信那種基本,會知道他們是 gays, 並不是你們的星球,你們是外來者,離開就好了! 那種高文明,你的銀行並不會公開,你的學識只要不出去哪裡講什麼,世界上不會有一個人關心你的任何一點時間空間的存在。



相信就好,有自知之明 !

但是宇宙那時候對你們,其實我會說很吵 ! 整個文明的宇宙是一種很巨大龐大的結構,在我的思維,永遠不是這中式餐點假設你說加州,美國對你們說加州算是嚮往的人生,其實都是移民出去試著變成,美國講教育因為基督教是那種心情! 

你們去過加州離 SMTV 當初很近,有蛋奶的越南餐廳,他們一整批去的那種室內設計,那是 SMTV 越南他們去的! 在不是越南的那種,有那種四海豆漿呀 ~~~當然是葷素的~這有些設計就不是長那樣的~你們其實去美國那種

Native Cafe 看他們整個撒那盤子~~他們很多那種沙拉 ! 

我以前常去試 Veggie Grill 應該是我自己認為很近的關係或是比較就覺得去那邊,我那時候講灑盤那種看到的東西 ...還好 ! 

人是會老,自己走出去假設,抵達 ...記得我說過了!

你們整體的觀音法門可能會有一兩個,不會存在同一個地點的 ! 少數的,至於為什麼或是剩下幹嗎了 ...其實人在某種時空都是最後一個人自己走的! 現在看起來像敵人,有一天,一個同門都不會再有了~或是宗教之下! 一個都不存在的非常非常非常遙遠 ! 


我打從心底根本就不在乎我長什麼樣子,但是假設你附近叫做多一張嘴巴,張開嘴巴的那種,任何情況叫做多一個人 ! 因為你家人死了~~~你會認為依些事情 ! 因為當初的選擇,如果你們確定你們經濟,那是最好不過了! 


問題一, 10-15 年後他們開始偷竊,是一種白髮恐怖下跪,嚇死人的走出哪種租房子的地點! 





信仰跟信念,假設高科技或是高文明,心電感應好了 ...我其實也不清楚!

但是 ...我還是會相信信念這種我長大相信的社會裡面,其中某種關聯的事情! 

在鬼的世界,現在看起來正常,但是基本鬼都是受到很久、很長、很痛的地獄之刑,他們不再有我執,講出來或是形體型態不是高文明那種活著的人類! 但是野鬼可能很粗魯 ~但是對~推開什麼他會全部都看到 ~假設誰來了! 

鬼可以看到 !  鬼可以傷害人的靈體,對! 應該是可以的~就算有高科技 ! 

但是你們被給予的一種模式是有原因的 ! 只是你們非常在乎多一個嘴巴,假設你家人不再了~~只剩下那些陪伴的嘴巴,其實你們最需要是你們的爸媽,並不是友誼,你們習慣你們爸媽幫你們買多一點東西,或是吃的或是毫無忌憚的那種一點點態度問題,所以你們爸媽是友情好很多的狀態! 

我的生長跟你們並不一樣 ! 我並不喜歡人,我可以直接說通通下去地獄看到哪一個,都是那種令人失望的情況 ! 

因為做人的基本,並不是下去地獄 !  而許多方面你們並沒有做人的基本 ! 



意思是說你們在炫耀,所以別人回答是說,附合你的語言的意思,而這種東西叫做社交? !  那社交要有錢的專業,意思就是人比人,下一句?

人並不需要處於飢餓狀態,但是對~這子歇他們的...某種視頻,可能沒有那種 Tamang 顏色的那種畫沙子的黑那種,有~我被告知,那最好是這樣 ! 跟UB 那種暫時有容顏的關係 ...修觀音法門的一些基本!

靈體被吸血鬼吃,這種東西去哪查,有高科技,他們可能是一種 Toy Story 這尼克孫子的一個打火機,他們變成一種光線進去,他走在那墳墓的後方, Bolton 裡面東西處理什麼~在小賈斯汀的電視裡面! 我曾經講過兩個人基本出去,而這迪恩好像也出去了...

可能是高中類似的時間或是國中 ! 這是別人訓練他的 ~我有東西不見了! 我房間,一本筆記 !

世界上如果有高科技,這關於某種事情可能跟個性有關,人最好做的知道自己的點在哪裡 ! 

裡面! 因為高科技的算法可能不是跟業障有關,是你沒有人格,所以假設講高文明,高事業,高規劃,你其實只需要對上的是宇宙警察,星際戰警,那是一個很恐怖的事情,因為人生裡面,其實如果一個人安靜地過日子,就算沒有什麼朋友,也不會被劃分到要見到那種現實,他們帶槍的,你們不相信那種金屬的存在,並不是我們世界,這邊有手槍! 

對~但是講一種文明的害怕,因為那種星球的制度並不是星際警察,是當地的那種飢餓遊戲那種,還是很可怕,因為是在地面 ! 那種整個形體或是結構,我個人覺得,這有些古書古文,就算是一種幻想的印度靈修,講說大千世界,有些比擬法可能是真的!

雖然是一種迷信~基礎是真的! 只是以現代時空講而已!

台灣八寶粥吃嗎 ? 這饒邦大人他們回來的時候,機場...還是隔離! 

這台灣的零食就通通不需要再碰了 ! 任何亞洲食物,換成國外! 

這些真正的基本家庭是一種台語,住宅區裡面~ 這些新生代就是口頭講台語,四肢對著彼此打 ! 一整個東西濺血下去,是一種台灣散漫講說因為生出來的家庭是,講台灣世界,所以在這些食物的宣傳跟後面,是一種黃皮膚的那種很醜陋的人類,就跟你們一樣!

你們沒有連接到那種臉 ~ 因為,你們是修行的那種清晰一點的顏色,講說世俗之人,其實亞洲跟那種 UB 只要是世俗之外沒有差太多,只要不打坐的 ! 這基本時數表 ~只要台灣跟法院是公開,你們自己知道是不是民主,我非常確定 ...

枯萎的黃皮膚+枯萎的黃皮膚+枯萎的黃皮膚+ 爭吵

中年女人,算瘦,這種東西加起來~有本事的高科技,去弄清楚基本商業 ~

那種家庭也不會開大燈,因為是白天 ! 整個屋子都是黑漆嘛烏的 !

我其實不吃甜食的~小鳥說日本 ! 我被告知去哪裡買東西,我會走一趟,之前也不是自由的~我很久沒有活了很像自由人生,而你們有很大空間是人權給你們的 !  吃東西對我來說並不重要~但是這是會吃死人的...你們也跟著大家社交就一起死 ! 現在你並不會覺得不一樣~大家一起強迫傷害我,有一天你自己,是走不出去的!

在我的字典裏面其實並不相信這件事情,裡面到外面,我的形體,身體,如果講說在修行觀音法門之前,那可能會有原因,因為我清掉這所有東西之後,我跟妳們的信念會永遠不一樣 ! 

You all just say 你們就全部說

As the internet fast speed information and the communication methods through social media or Youtube, the Web 2.0, people becoming a lot aware and family talk increase meaning the parents and the new parents (younger) producing kids, to wish to get a divorce.

You all for some very reason, you really got married? Meaning a piece of paper, and go to a church or a Judge, both are worse, but....the judge never says not to?

隨著網路的快速資訊資料,以及溝通方法從社交軟體或是 Youtube 這種 Web 2.0 型態,人們逐漸變成很自我清楚,跟了解自己家庭 (家長談話) 巨增,意思就是上面家長跟新生代的家長 (年輕) 有小孩,希望離婚。

你們好像什麼原因,你們真的結婚? 就是那張紙然後去教堂,或是法官,兩個都很糟糕但是 ...法官從來什麼都沒說?

我小孩的時候就知道,我永遠不可能結婚、不會結婚,也不可能有小孩,我一直都是知道狀態!  我現在做尊上,幾年了 ...八年,那不是應該問我一下,這鋼鐵神兵,其實我不是基督教的 ! 這基督教跟電影講的有點像,當初這 Rebecca 講是說要把耶穌送到你的心! 

大概是聖經哪邊講的 ~ 

When I was small, I already know forever I will never get married, ever married, and forever never have a kid, I always know that staying in that mode ! I am the Honorable Superior, how many years...8 years. isn't you suppose to ask me, and this BTX, I am actually not the Christian! This Christian religion and the movie saying a little bit identical, originally that Rebecca says its you sent the Jesus at your heart ! 

Probably something the Bible inside it says ~~~

Something about this Taiwan Youtuber, near Pierre, Meghan, she presses some buttom.

He is 3x later on, in the TV. Probably meant he is dead already. No...just romance dead.

好像什麼你們台灣 Youtuber 靠近 Pierre 這個女的紅頭髮一直可能按了什麼 (狗在較) 按鈕

他影片上說3x 電視裡面,大概是說他已經死了,不是,是戀愛死了

就是人生你們很喜歡戀愛 ? 

In life, you really love to fallen in love?

所以男孩子喜歡男孩子,對,我跟他們說,那些他們 (狗叫叫叫)

So the guys like about the guys, right, I told them that, those they.

喔~ 這美國其實講什麼一堆東西,其中我其實什麼事情都沒有特別做,花千骨無,或是任何裡面劇本無 (長留出考或是仙劍 一跟二),但是我也不主持什麼婚禮這種基督教的天常久遠,可以找 Tim Cook 呀 ! 在柯南裡面佔據新一的家的那個好像叫做 Subaru 車子廠牌的,引擎對稱!

oh ~ you know America itself talking about a lot of the garbage, one of that I never do anything special, such as the Flower Thousand bone, na, or anything inside the script (Long stay, na; the celestial competition 1 or 2, na...) but its not I go and hold the front row as the wedding ceremony those Christian their forever lasting, or ever lasting, maybe you call looking for Tim Cook! Its in Conan Detective, that occupying that taller main character's home, I think his name is Subaru, meaning the car branding, and that engine is in symmetry. 

我好像離這種東西沒有太遠,但是真正的存在可能是金髮現代時尚 ! 但是有個形體,這倒是真的,這類好像就是神祉上面好像也有,半個機器人可能!

I don't think I am too far from this kind of the presentation, but the real form might be blonde in the modern fashion! But that real true form may not real. This kind will seem to be Idol God, Upper those, almost half of the robotic possible.



Because inside this kind of stuffs, there are different kinds.




妲己的歷史 ( 現代服)

長的像我以前 CADS Lab 的學生名字叫做 Pearl, 紐約市來的

Hong Kong = Eastern Pearl 那是一個餐廳,當初在我家的前面 !  Marley's

Home Alone 4. 小鬼當家四

ET: Grey has this 灰人的 ET 有這個資料但是是現代服我看到的。

她當初很年輕,長頭髮,細細的眼睛的關係,黑色亞洲女孩子,或是跟那個 Lana 長的有點像 2001-2011 Smallville 我們一直在講 Tamang 這件事情。


不對 (我空氣這邊講,我在打字,打那個情景),一個石頭桌子,空曠的地方,沒有建築她看的地方。



什麼東西都沒有 ...

一個陽光普照,她曬太陽的關係,一個人! 空氣,呼吸是一模一樣現在 ! 


 (台語) 就是嚇死人的意思大概,我看到的 ...不是宮廷耶!

Shane 尚恩好像就是尚書,意思是講尚書大人,是烏紗帽! 

這個帽子好像是你們中國戲劇在哪個,版面的宣傳我看過 !


西門,講商鞅? 好像是她的導師,教導她的老師,是某種下八有一點點鬍鬚,中央,我肥的地方,一個叫做永遠不可能長相像 Mathrew McCoourney 的那種調調,但是有教育,導師?! 好像是在講什麼事情! 有點像這個 Jack Frost (1998) 那種調調,年輕那種! 亞洲人,是混血,好像是混到哪裡,外源,可能是塞外人! 免疫系統或是聲音的關係!

他那時候好像是正常者,並不是現在這種,...他是打尚恩一個巴掌很恐怖之人,他以前好像只是一個導師! 經過那個石頭桌子! 或是他就是殺人魔。

我在找 AI 資料 (等一下)


就是打卡的那張紙 ! 他手寫,亞洲這小女孩年輕的就是愛理不理的! 

她在還是她什麼,西門是一個書生 ! 很喜歡看書還是有文學,那時候???! 快樂的人,是一種日常生活打卡,她知道他來問她什麼,這西門就在那邊寫寫寫或是吃糕點~這樣子現代西門跟那時候個古代,好像是王,不是導師,皮衣,那種皮毛棕黑色的有點咖啡~


這個人的調調跟清海無上師這輩子的德國醫生有點像,就是清海無上師應該很討厭這個德國誰,幾乎很像! 我覺得這種對話,好像不知道在講哪種語言,有溝通,有,但是這個亞洲小女孩,很年輕的,有文學,但是只是出席表。

他們好像是在講關監獄這地方還是她知道,這是哪裡那種對話 ! 


這可能是一種野地,草地的地方那個不知道是不是宮廷,要兩三階進去 ! 但是他可能是習慣性來打卡的! 而且她知道 !

小鳥好像是叫我媽開燈~我剛剛上傳到臉書 (從新命名)


就是電影的整個 Poster,很恐怖,是達文西的筆記 ! 在畫上有 "人" - 中文字! 

我看過 Wiki 2015 我沒有見過真的影集,是美國的 !  柯南講沙灘我,好像是尋寶小孩的時候,這影片我記得是講海灘什麼的 ...

IMDB 是美國電影的匯集地方 ! 可以查東西!


4. Gulliver's Travels (2010)

Bermuda Triangle Depth (1978)

She looks like UK, when we were in the dorm



有一天她突然消失,我隔壁就是她們常常約在宿舍! 她們好像都跑去查 ~~~!


Adam didn't come yet to visit UK, that time 亞當那時候還沒有來我學校,他跟她們一群見過,我們一起吃飯 ! 但是他並沒有見過那個女的!

這人年輕的作品 (等一下)

在 Angelina Jolie 有一個 UN 的誰 跟X 教授年輕時候



Jack Frost (1998 film)

The snow man melt, 有點像 Frozen

我看過 I cry that time. The time I saw that. I remember.


6. 就是非常非常情緒化,哭大聲,大聲小叫

7. 沒有見過 1 千人人生。

8. 如意珠寶在 Astor 家慶 ( 信義房屋) 韓劇,媽媽的庭院



怎麼不永恆的把時間,叫做永恆呢? 這亞洲什麼沒有,有人有經濟,怎麼不看清楚四肢,每一分寸~叫做永恆呢? 這可珍貴的九年耶~~~ BTX

我們每一條寫呀 ~!  有人做正常事情但是,你們一定要故意的關係 ...

1. 我忘了我在廁所~~我想一下 ! 

2. 把 Loki 的臉變成綠色的鬼,類似縮進去的 "美少女戰士叫做 transform", 某種滑稽鬼

3. 有一種聖誕節的綠色怪物,美國有卡通可能有真人不是,第二點

4. 這個故事有個爸爸死了,白雪的雪人融化了, 關於聖誕節 ! 

5. Charmed TV 地一開場曲的 Brian 演員,跟這所有正常人的 SA 叫做 Brian McFadden, Ronan Keating, Brian (Backstreet Boy), 那首歌裡面是 UB Brian, King of Kings.

擺再一起,說正常者 ! 



高中生女生嚎啕大哭,在鋼鐵人的黑頭髮 ! 把它變成嚎啕大哭

這 OU語言 叫做『給 D 媽 a Cry』

去柯南這個叫做遊樂園的爆炸,叫做『海洋大學』還是 什麼縮寫





妃妃  So Q 

Q 講殺 還是 ka wa i (日文可愛呀 ! Cute 英文) 你們語言不講,我跟誰講





























One B


O Mo B 魔




BIF ( I 在男朋友 = BF)

Pen 筆


NED 你的


PE S EG 藝妓

這麼喜歡妲己呀 ~~~

記得沒有真正性到,會是色情的永恆永世 12聲響 ...

MB needs to speech

Today is Sunday ...