
I do a lot of the side dishes...I don't really know what Shane says a lot of things.

But we are talking. I am telling you, whichever this Shane or Nicky, or then Kian, one of those conversation will come to the end. Really.  Right...that time to talk about it. I say I talk to Shane first. I looks like Shane. But Nicky + Kian. Something like that. 

So to you, this entire procedure is very tiring, right here.

Any house including I get my own house that  in case this Shane says Ireland, I live in America or Taiwan. (Not sure China court room or Japan court room. ), and landing from the Space such as like myself....because all of this is by the imagination. In Taiwan, I walk toward the store and come back. In the Western sphere the car or the driving its each and every time. With Shane, we might just go out to eat, and whatever he sees things, I go and side by.

Now...in the house normally when I used to have that life, we don't have a lot of those money for non-vegetarian. He ex bf intends to say he was practicing. I am not sure is he wants to, or he pretends like. So I went to tell him, a certain thing. I told him to sit down and think about it. 

Either way, in any house if its not the vegetarian or vegan, you will have to dealing with a lot of things, and I have been seeing this for the last 3 weeks, you need to wear the mask when you process the food, if that is a group of people come to visit. 

No, I don't have anything of this pandemic. I am RIGHT HERE hanging on the ceiling, just not the roof outside because that is a RED building in the name itself. The sky, the white clouds, the police is where the birds flew sometimes.

I HAVE NOT seen a REAL human in front of me except my mother. She didn't know or she intend to tell me to go outside and walk. Until I be honest to tell her my both countries SS. And here we are.

When I am not on the PC or IPad, that kitchen its where I can sit and wait, or next by couch to lay down 2 mins and get up. I am doing that so often. I cannot feel a thing how you will complain to me, if you were me, really. I told Ronan Keating something also.....we used to meditate in the overnight retreat. Not the first intuitive things, I cannot do that. They meant 2 days weekend retreat, I break my sleeping patten. It was tormenting. But throughout that 8 years, I gonna tell you, right now because I relax, even I sleep 5 hours, or 6, or 4 hours, I gone back to lay down, so often. REALLY often, because I put down all of this things behind, to relax....
I am using that 8 years....I am telling you. 5 mins.

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