
You like the blogger title?

The Spider Man original,  not daily profit/ prophet. The Harry Potter, Rita Skillet? Is that the beast name? oh ~ Rita Skeeter. I go by hearing, not by writing I guess. The TV the movie I guess?

So you are the one in the porn during the 5 Lords Reviews, I seen it. Its the bundle moneys to prostitute? oh ~ its not the prom date opposite to each other, that is what it means?

One of those you give the guys first 下馬威

A whip and a kiss, not a slap. A whip. 不是一個巴掌,是一個鞭子

That is in singapore, 是新加坡

They use the whip. 他們用鞭子

The gum in the metro, 捷運的口香糖

Not the curses words? 不是髒話?

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