
You use your 4 limbs more, you will see your environment change.

The health, the friendship.

No, I think they told me you all should cook, + the bread. But Middleton probably not there anymore. Doing things in the reality. Sometimes your family to you girls I say many times, you care about it. Really. Your mother or your sister +your past all classmate. You cannot talk to my facebook 1000 but if you can, you would. You know what’s on your Facebook or far away without the friendship. 

You being happy, with them

Then you go and generate some legal law argument. My UB law classes are the relax, too much reading and it’s free period so, I roughly seen, the basic but mostly I listen to the professor. EF year it’s all listening in English. I had the family law and the consumer laws. In UB. French. The building is not the natural science.  When you register the class, it’s just 2 of them. They got nothing else. Yeah, I been to UB law library. Right. No, it’s not logic class. That is North Carolina their pharmacy school. I don’t actually know how to apply this 10 school? I can only find 2 pharmacy school, UB and NC, to fill up the requirements.

            UB inductive logic, no, it’s not entire on one fallacy. I remember that, right.

Your eyesight cared about what other people say to you. I have only 2, about to die too. Some other relative don’t care about them. You teach them per step. Solid their characters or at least trust others. Open your mouth to say it. 

I have to understand what that is

If the TV says the football, Whitney. I understand, I say Isisah. But that’s a class, chemistry. Mrs King’s daughter in Justin Madrigal, cannot stop feeling with Lanh. There is a twin. I see that, I can answer that, that, that, that. Nothing else. I don’t really clear know.  They were all pre-pharmacy major. All. When everyone moves in the UK dorm, we were all separated. They are together with Jason. The madrigal. Adam’s mom also a pharmacy technician. 

Lanh owns 2 stores in Downtown very expensive pharmacy + the food import for vegetarian with Lucy. They have other things. 


You have a tendency to tell me you forget if your routine was not 2 to 3 months on vocation, too lazy, but you have 5 days going home from works, you cannot be everyday outside eating. The money parts. I don't eat a lot and I care to spend my food money?! 

UB has a Chinese take-out. Near Marley's too. So was James. 

You think of what Zawanna suggest, getting a home, stay inside, make sure all things not on the fire or the water, such as your washer or dryer, and the hook up correctly. All those details things? The garden if try-out, the water hose has to going in and out of the store so many times. 

America Home Depot. 

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