
In this world, Fatima cannot stop touching that buzz....I am not in the movie, forever....and you will kill your every near by.

Because that court room one day, you will admit, no one coming near to you.

When you finish them, your real love will truly thriller means to you. Already, none of the family will cherish you. It doesn't exist because....starting from the beginning, you panic to touch that buzz. None of that keep existing.....how the eternal curses will descent upon all the humanity, forever and ever.

You and me, the same, holding up 2 arm by someone moving out of the court. Fainted head.

Tamang is hearing something just fallen on the ground curls, Chess VS.

Nick's cousin and mother dead....something related.

But nick and my mother are both IQ = zero. Meaning....in that entire energy are very low. The people whom don't really have any education is the same. Its low. Low energy when they are not on the jobs, they doze off, and everyday that job is to follow the order. As well.

Things around them its what they see....looking at those photo. How you can use them, its also their free will, the freedom rythm.

Hailey's dad.

In the democracy world

How make that IQ sound like none zero, because you loving it to open your mouth to discuss. Its a point of where you can argue, and be argumentative, just like Keegan, listen to himself....life without the mouth its how the heart taken without that justice. 

Laughing for a min !!!

Its funny...

But then, fatty, sit down to panting that sweat, well here is the drink, under the fluoescence light, "oh ~ I was a little tire."

(Laughing and clap a min)

Fatty makes an act of the physical energy low Bull~~~

(Everyone claps, welcome the court room door where the bench to far away the Judge.)

What you really wish to do were to impress the Judge when you get in, you found out. Not before. You want to impress that judge a man or a women. And then if you can impress them, meaning that lawful research behind is correct, and you go back to your Thanksgiving or Christmas becoming your family union vola.

You loving it

(Everyone clap)

Tell me how much you will pay dearly for one correct talk? Its a personal space glory of that Judge and the family all around. Its you loving it as long as speaking the English to make a correct statement and if everything correct going through the court room door, you feel so confident, you loving it everyday that American, or the American lawful act.

Starting at your every mouth.

You go there for the reason to argue a case, you got nervous because you will tell me a lot of time, you also guessing at it. You get to your adrenal blood up to your head space, because you didn't plan well if anyone in the court room, or your family seeing you that day, everyone immediate response, were your IQ at that noon day.

Your IQ can only response at that level. Like an immediately seeing them, or hearing something and you response. You didn't carry a wordy why you don't want to kill your mother like Wing did, something going on that movie ends something he says either he understood, or already told that part.

Now he pushes the buzz.

Knowing what that means?

That light off is Ola, Jonathon and Wing.

You imagine if you will have 10-15 years. Its everyone goes, the jurisdiction court, or the System all go to hell be dead or nothing but harsh punishment day 1. ( The birds laugh. )

See now, outskirt, many push the buzz, its the American mediocre regular military, no IQ but eye glasses like everyone should, Craig Ballantyne. 

Maybe Ronan moves to Malaysia south or someone. I could hear the buzz without an image. Waiting Karen those to reach Melinda? or Wei?

Westlife company old lady buzz, some medium fat or thin combine.

Remember, all these buzz with the photo hang just like that Nicky on the city wall head hangs, will be your every name be records, seen the face, fat and jailing clothing of the black and white strip.

The day that court room does not deliver that form, and all will be publish online, you realize....all together how to buddy together. I meant it....it will have nothing but blood river fill up the sky, like you all mean it well.

You are unstable and shaking inside your body bone flesh......all around you worthy deem thee?  Melinda ! ?

Repeat with your voice out loud.

"Upon today my entering upon the court room, it was a lot wetter than my native country America, here in Taiwan, the jurisdiction court its kind of...all Asian looking like you, I wonder if I have the American jurisdiction court Judge like Anna told Mark the other day. I am from .......certain country other than America." 

"I have a certain business in that land, not here. That is why I wish to call upon that idea, for the economic reason, and some of this inquire in English parts."

"I wonder if you process both the passport issue and my business I told the earlier those Chinese Taiwan people that court, I coming here to see you today were for the business idea. My entry date are here, I wrote them down. I think I process here also. Do you know?" 

"I have seen some of the idea how I argue a case, but my background didn't have that law background but I done some research to arrive here. If you prefer me to return to American to re-process these, can you tell me today. I was worried if I might be walking where wrong at the department. I know here is the democracy, but where is the American embassy. I mean the lawful I going through the American land that way better or here."

"Correct, if its the same justice, I have things here, so I come here. Its a lot easier, not flying. No."

"I have some of the family I have you will be the first seeing them faces, because its related to what I believe in that claim, I wasn't coming here by myself. They still living and breathing, is that part of idea I can process to? I wish you to know, I bring them today. They are outside. No they exist, they waiting outside. "

"I prepare all their passport, and dates written down because there is just 3 of us moving back and forth with a clear traveling time, or the air tickets roughly these date, we have discuss, but they will tell you, they are not sure if you think its relevant, but we are all present here today. "

"The economic claims I will submit later, I just need to send them home, or right now it is okay, that included right here."

"They prepare some written things, but they are institutionalize the day they born, meaning the handicap. I told them to write something, not exactly I read it. They coming today I am not sure if you let them submit together. And they can speak to you with me first, or later with they themselves separately, or together. No English comprehensive all together. Its a fate."

"They think they have the IQ." 

"So I finish that part, and now I will explain why or how I arrive here....it started about how many years ago, there is a business partner and all that establishment being form the alliance, or the business company comes to a little bit over expanding."

(Eben buzz)

"I want to bring that argument to some floor on some of this economically stabilzation of the society through some of us, whom are medium saying showing up on the newspaper or nothing at all. Meaning the mediocre parts, because we didn't care the flashy parts. We didn't get all the things when we can, so we have some of the claim. We ask the lawyer or we ask some friends around. I can tell you, that is what I did. I don't really know some other people went out and done what. You can say, in that same level, everyone is the enemy of everyone else. Because we all separate the bank account. 

I have research ....

It came upon me....when I read these court room cases or saying.....dealing with the Party A or Party B....

Well we are going through the Seasonal greeting soon-to-be.....

I bring all these papers in with me. I have all these claim paper I read. I think its fine, if you told me you need a copy. Here is my side of the copy, and here I make one for the court room. "

"The argument might take place about xxx years, in the 19xx."

"There is something I recall so I write them down, because its the movie inspires me to do. It was someone lives very old, and keep living, and memory or remember that. So I use some of that reason, and here I wish to tell you, it may not be ridiculously seen, but a lot of the blend in factors I see that in relation to everyone else life too. But this is strange. Because you saying processing in the law almost its not the inspiration. Its you claim to file, or claim to accuse.

And that story....to claim and to file to accuse, that person would be ....that and that. Because it my personal life." 

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