
你說 UB 的天空 Day light in America ...

是說校園太大要走路的意思?  The school campus are too big, require to walk?

Prince Harry

No, you need your father to sign your permission slip. Correct. No, you believe or talk about something just random type on any blogger website once you get into your mood, and click sent. 

No, I would get mad by mechanical I will almost tell you, and the birds will always cut in. I stop every single time, but I found out. Later I tell. Like my phone too. It was not explained clear, that is why. They don't understand it. 

Per degree do things, I say that many times. 

A lot of you are the students formats

And no, the court room doesn't owe you any of that. If you already light off forever. But you need to keep your white underwear on, or the white sock like that Victoria Secret Black Tie, you think you did everything right. There is nothing right. You get up hold someone and die together, that is Dean's the only job, very clear.

In any kinds of the classify world, Wing too, all white under pants. In every job, it will all seem like that. You didn't describe thing, you meant you sway and everyone seeing you doing that on purpose. You meant you believe everyone keeps a job for 40 longs year with your all loan, and you find your suicide route.

Everyone knows that too.

Remember, the prayers has to be 5 times a day or promise every single day to every God.

You believe all that.


If someone sees you no more traveling to the church or the donation box by your own will, you know what that means to you, right? They are just the satellite occasionally drop in, so nice to see you here. 

(Dean press the buzz on Wing or me again)

no others, (but all press on Dean to Ukraine war)

He must be shaking anything all around his life and that TV, everything but lies.

Wing press before

He now press again.

The white underwear never enough to say white bra, all around anyway, all your description are wrong. 

Wing is the vocal extremists, similar to Prince Harry, when you all getting the mood !! How nice. The articulation makes you believe you know what you state the facts again.

Say it

"How much can I do anyway..."

"Its everyone on the jobs."

"Under the same flag."

"You keep hitting on me, the very same right everyone has."

"Louder or else its every foot pays....dearly."

Wing press, Dean press.

Wing right hand press back back back, there is a buzz. 

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