
You all just say 你們就全部說

As the internet fast speed information and the communication methods through social media or Youtube, the Web 2.0, people becoming a lot aware and family talk increase meaning the parents and the new parents (younger) producing kids, to wish to get a divorce.

You all for some very reason, you really got married? Meaning a piece of paper, and go to a church or a Judge, both are worse, but....the judge never says not to?

隨著網路的快速資訊資料,以及溝通方法從社交軟體或是 Youtube 這種 Web 2.0 型態,人們逐漸變成很自我清楚,跟了解自己家庭 (家長談話) 巨增,意思就是上面家長跟新生代的家長 (年輕) 有小孩,希望離婚。

你們好像什麼原因,你們真的結婚? 就是那張紙然後去教堂,或是法官,兩個都很糟糕但是 ...法官從來什麼都沒說?

我小孩的時候就知道,我永遠不可能結婚、不會結婚,也不可能有小孩,我一直都是知道狀態!  我現在做尊上,幾年了 ...八年,那不是應該問我一下,這鋼鐵神兵,其實我不是基督教的 ! 這基督教跟電影講的有點像,當初這 Rebecca 講是說要把耶穌送到你的心! 

大概是聖經哪邊講的 ~ 

When I was small, I already know forever I will never get married, ever married, and forever never have a kid, I always know that staying in that mode ! I am the Honorable Superior, how many years...8 years. isn't you suppose to ask me, and this BTX, I am actually not the Christian! This Christian religion and the movie saying a little bit identical, originally that Rebecca says its you sent the Jesus at your heart ! 

Probably something the Bible inside it says ~~~

Something about this Taiwan Youtuber, near Pierre, Meghan, she presses some buttom.

He is 3x later on, in the TV. Probably meant he is dead already. No...just romance dead.

好像什麼你們台灣 Youtuber 靠近 Pierre 這個女的紅頭髮一直可能按了什麼 (狗在較) 按鈕

他影片上說3x 電視裡面,大概是說他已經死了,不是,是戀愛死了

就是人生你們很喜歡戀愛 ? 

In life, you really love to fallen in love?

所以男孩子喜歡男孩子,對,我跟他們說,那些他們 (狗叫叫叫)

So the guys like about the guys, right, I told them that, those they.

喔~ 這美國其實講什麼一堆東西,其中我其實什麼事情都沒有特別做,花千骨無,或是任何裡面劇本無 (長留出考或是仙劍 一跟二),但是我也不主持什麼婚禮這種基督教的天常久遠,可以找 Tim Cook 呀 ! 在柯南裡面佔據新一的家的那個好像叫做 Subaru 車子廠牌的,引擎對稱!

oh ~ you know America itself talking about a lot of the garbage, one of that I never do anything special, such as the Flower Thousand bone, na, or anything inside the script (Long stay, na; the celestial competition 1 or 2, na...) but its not I go and hold the front row as the wedding ceremony those Christian their forever lasting, or ever lasting, maybe you call looking for Tim Cook! Its in Conan Detective, that occupying that taller main character's home, I think his name is Subaru, meaning the car branding, and that engine is in symmetry. 

我好像離這種東西沒有太遠,但是真正的存在可能是金髮現代時尚 ! 但是有個形體,這倒是真的,這類好像就是神祉上面好像也有,半個機器人可能!

I don't think I am too far from this kind of the presentation, but the real form might be blonde in the modern fashion! But that real true form may not real. This kind will seem to be Idol God, Upper those, almost half of the robotic possible.



Because inside this kind of stuffs, there are different kinds.




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